
Welcome! I'm piglei, a programmer based in Shenzhen.

About this site

In 2009, I graduated from university and started my first official job as a web developer using Django. Like many others, I decided to develop a blog project to quickly get the hang of Django. After finishing the project, I bought a virtual host and launched the blog.

Despite its simple design and messy code, this blog holds a special place in my heart. It was my first independently completed and launched side project, and it became an important platform for me to express myself online. Over the years, I've forgotten many things, but I've never missed renewing the hosting for this blog every year.

I'm passionate about software development, and most of the posts on this blog reflect that. Through words and code, I share my thoughts and discoveries in the hope that they offer some unique value to others.

GitHub piglei
Email piglei2007 [AT] gmail.com